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Tuesday, July 07 2020

Choose Life

Each day we find ourselves being presented with situations that require decisions to be made. A fear-based view of them and its sometimes over-powering, negative influence will often attempt to guide our actions towards the wrong direction. But with a little bit of wisdom and a lot of help from the Father above, the outcome of any situation will always work itself out for the best. How do we know this? The Father always put before us the outcomes of the good and the bad and leaves it to us to decide. All the tempting options of our flesh that we tend to lay out from these pending situations may appear to work and seem right to take. We must rely heavily on the truth that God the Father has a better way. As we choose Him, we are choosing everything that is right. Everything that is right means having a better quality of life. A better quality of life equates to you being blessed.  Not only will you have the blessing upon you, but those that are coming after you will be blessed as well. It’s when we lean to our own understanding and the choices and lies of evil, that we reap devastation and fatal outcomes. So, which side of the coin are you going to take?

~ Amichia

                       Deut. 30:19                   Ps. 118:8, 17               Prov. 3: 5-6,13                                 

Posted by: Amichia AT 08:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, June 23 2020

Do You See It Now?

Have you ever found yourself looking for something that you had just recently placed aside? What about that one time when you spent countless hours searching and soon thereafter, you hopelessly gave in concluding that what you were looking for was forever lost. That happens all too many times, but can I tell you that what seems to be misplaced is just hidden beneath the surface?

Not everything that the Father has for his children is in plain view. Elisha’s servant came to the realization of this when they were pursued by the Syrian army. Being gripped by fear and in disarray, the servant asked Elisha, what they were going to do. Elisha reassured the servant that there was no need to fear because their defense system was far greater than what was surrounding them. Elisha then prayed and asked God to open his servant’s eyes that he would see. Once the servant’s eyes became open, he was able to see what had been hidden beneath the surface.

There are times where you have to look beyond what is naturally seen in order to find your answer. The Father is waiting on you to ask Him to reveal the location of what you’re looking for, so just ask Him to “open your eyes”.  When you can see what others cannot see, you can confidently go in peace where others cannot go. Use your faith to gain access to all that the Father has for you. It’s more than what you think, it’s just hidden beneath the surface. Do you see it now?

~ Amichia

II Kings 6:13-17                Matt. 13:16          II Cor. 4:18               

Posted by: Amichia AT 10:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, May 19 2020

God has another plan

There is life after a broken marriage, health diagnosis, failure, job loss, or any other bad situation.  In fact, there is another side-- another ending and it is NOT the ending of what you have imagined it to be. It may seem as if what everyone else has told you about their outcome will more than likely be the case for you, but what does God say?

God’s got another plan and His plan is far greater, more promising and exceeds beyond what you can see for yourself. For every low blow that you have been dealt, God’s going to bring you higher. For every no, God is going to bring you a yes. For every door closed and every roadblock, God’s going to reroute you and show you another way. God’s plan is one that is full of hope, vitality and promise.  Along the way, there will be a phase where He initiates the restoration process.

You see, God doesn’t only want to get you back to a state where you are just functioning to cope, He desires to get you back to a state where you are full of vitality, resilience and free from guilt, hurt and embarrassment. The only thing that He requires from you is your cooperation. Your cooperation involves you knowing that getting restored is not going to be a quick work, but a gradual work. If you are willing to commit and keep the end goal in mind, then you will be well on your way to a brand new start with brighter future!

~ Amichia

Jer. 29:11             Ps. 119: 67-68               I Pet. 1:5-6                  

Posted by: Amichia AT 02:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 13 2020


What happens when life as what you know all of a sudden becomes disturbed? It can sometimes leave you wondering if what has happened was only a dream OR you really are experiencing a surreal situation.  Life has its own way of bringing us all into its classroom, where we become the students. Although we live and learn from the unexpected type of tests, the Word of God provides us with a small instruction on how to pass life’s test as we adjust and reset our lives.

Life’s interruptions are not random or meaningless. In fact, they bring opportunities for us to gain a different perspective and start thinking differently. When it seems as if your world is crumbling before you and things are falling apart, I’d like to offer you I Thess. 5:18 which says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Yes, it’s easier and may provide a feeling of relief for you to just throw your hands up out of frustration. However, the Father would rather you throw your hands up in submission and say “Nevertheless”. It takes more work when you go to Him for reassurance and comfort, rather than going into depression and somberness. It takes more work to be grateful for what you have, rather than being worrisome. The Father is not saying that this unexpected situation is His will. He is saying that no matter the situation, it is His will for you to GIVE THANKS…be grateful! As you undergo unexpected ordeals, be comforted by developing a nevertheless attitude, give thanks and bless the Lord at all times so the praises can cause you to become strengthened with grace and ability as He carries you through. I’ll see you on the other side of this!

~ Amichia

I Thess. 5:18                 Ps. 100               Ps. 115:12                Ps. 118:1-9          Eph. 6:10

Posted by: Amichia AT 11:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 31 2020

Hey you….

Whatcha thinkin’ bout? 

Have you found yourself in a place of what I’d like to call, “information overload”?  Well, I would like to suggest that it is time to clear your mind for a moment! Hey, you owe it to yourself. I mean, after all… you’ve been watching the news, listening to the radio, reading the paper, looking online, watching the news again, listening to the radio, reading the paper oh yeah and looking online!!

How do you determine when enough is enough of all you've heard and seen? At what point do you just cut the TV off, skip the news, or just take a break from the world wide web? Too much of a thing can be toxic to your spirit and sanity! Your soundness of mind is at stake! When you meditate on the wrong things, (i.e. what you hear, see and read) you become stressed, afraid, discouraged, and even disheartened.

Psalms 1 informs us that if you delight in the law (or Word), you are blessed. Joshua 1 reveals that you are successful when you meditate the Word. Isaiah guarantees a place of peace when you keep your mind stayed on God. Should I continue? The Father does not want you bombarded in your mind…HE NEEDS YOU FREE!!  My point is this--- Reset your mind to peace and quietness by getting some alone time with God. His peace will create a garrison around your mind, preventing anything that is contrary to life and godliness from getting in. When you are free in your mind and spirit, you can confidently and happily go about your daily routine because you are focused, refreshed and untarnished in your mind and attitude!

Sooo… again I ask you…whatcha thinkin’ bout?

~ Amichia

Phil. 4: 7-8                Eph. 4:23          Ps. 1            Josh. 1:8      Col. 3:1,2                Is. 26:3

Posted by: AT 03:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 24 2020

Staying Calm in Turbulent Times

Would it surprise you to know that nothing catches God the Father by surprise? While events of life, especially the unplanned ones, just spontaneously “show up” outta nowhere and throw us for a loop, Let me guarantee you that it has not caught the Father off guard. Well before you and I arrived here on this beautiful planet earth, every moment, whether good or bad- every need-every situation had been carefully and methodically been given a set time to occur. The Word of God calls it fore ordained.

But guess what else has been carefully and methodically given a set time to occur in your life? Rest! God had strategically created a place where you and I can escape to and remain in, not just in turbulent times but also in times of peace. Following the creation, scripture says that He “rested from His works”.  You see, rest was designed by God to unveil His plan of resolution for every turbulent time that you would ever encounter while you rest in Him. While everything around you is chaotic and off-balanced, you are unmoved, unbothered and shielded by God.  The moment you find rest, stay there and be determined to never withdraw yourself from it.

The enemy works hard at delaying your arrival to finding rest by keeping you consumed with the negativity that surrounds you. When life calls for you and me to react in worry, fear, panic and the likes thereof, it’s important to choose the place of peace and calmness. Let your faith stand strong in confidently knowing that God has already provided a solution and knows exactly when, where, and what needs to take place.

Stay calm my friend and fear not…God’s got this all under control!

~ Amichia


Heb. 4:9             Phil 4:7         Heb. 4:3 

Posted by: AT 10:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 16 2020

You’re Not Blowing Off Steam Today!


What do you do when someone jumps in front of you at the deli counter, cuts you off on the freeway or takes credit for your work? How you address these and similar situations constitutes your level of emotional control.

"If you wish you had reacted differently in any of those situations, you may be a victim of 'emotional hijacking’. An emotional hijacking is when the rational, thinking part of your brain is bypassed because of your intense emotions. When this happens, you're so emotionally fired up you can't think or solve problems. This is important, as satan would desire that you would forfeit being led by the Spirit of God and give into your emotional state.

Your inability to handle your emotions makes you a destructive believer, despite being one who follows the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You don't have control over other people's behavior, but you can learn to control your own.

When you are experience emotionally intense situations, are you thinking only of yourself, or can you empathize with the other person? It is at that moment that you can diffuse the negatives by empathizing with others and allowing the fruits of love, gentleness, and temperance govern your response. As you follow the Holy Spirit, you position yourself to offer encouragement, a word of knowledge, and most importantly –a door to Christ! Pause and take a deep breath and see this as an opportunity to reach and win a soul, rather than loosing your cool and witness.

I wish you much success this year in complete mastery over your emotions and being led by the Holy Spirit!

~ Amichia


Gal. 5:16-23                 Gal. 6:8-9                     Psalms 141:3              

Posted by: Amichia AT 08:39 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 19 2019

Choosing Happiness

Are you a person who can act on tough questions? Questions like: What am I grateful for? How can I live a more balanced life?

 If you said yes, then you more than likely fall into the category of being a happy person. Happiness is a way of life, an overriding outlook composed of qualities like love, optimism, courage, and a sense of freedom. Even amidst the stumbling blocks and hurdles you tackle in daily living, choosing to be happy is a choice that’s up to you and is waiting on you to let it aide you along life’s journeys.    

Start each day with appreciating what you have and those who may have been instrumental in what you have had or have. As a result, you’ll combat unhappiness. Use your personal power. Your life belongs to you and it is full of meaning and when you realize the power that’s within you, it forces you to take responsibility and action.  Reframe from throwing away or discounting your confidence and ability because it yields great return. When you’re secure in your personal power, it keeps you from becoming a victim.

As you embark upon a new year, make the choice of being protective of your state of happiness. In doing so, you will set yourself up to live a more balanced and happy life with positivity and peace influencing all aspects of your life and even those around you!

~ Amichia

Rom. 15:13            Ps. 34: 8             Ps 144:15     

Posted by: Amichia AT 03:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, December 04 2019

Don’t Ever Lose Your Worship

In 1 Samuel 1, we read of the story of Elkanah, who had two wives, Penninah & Hannah. Penninah had given Elkanah children whereas Hannah was in a position that she could not bare children. In spite of the Hannah’s circumstances, she was the recipient of Elkanah’s love and therefore she received the double portion from her husband. It was not to long that the only thing that Hannah could do in her situation is find God –find strength—find answers through her worship.

Worship will pull out everything that’s fleshly in you. It will tear down ideologies and thoughts that have been lingering around; feelings of insecurity; self-defeat; worthlessness; and insignificance. The minute you lose your worship becomes the moment that you become defeated. So you’ve got to stay in worship until God completes the work in you.

The enemy’s objective was to get Hannah to focus on the fact that she could not bare children. What Hannah didn’t realize was that she was in a better position than what the enemy was showing her. So it is with you--You might feel as if you are in a bad situation, but understand that God loves you! You’ve got to know that you’re loved in spite of what you don’t have. You’ve got to know that even though you may be in a situation where you don’t have the things you desire, it won’t always be that way. That’s why the bible says rejoice in the Lord, again Rejoice…Rejoice in the Lord God of your salvation.. IOWs you’ve got to be happy… Psalms 1 AMP says Blessed (happy) is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly…..His delight is in the Law, he meditates on it (not the barrenness) day and night….He shall be like a tree...that brings forth (no longer barren) fruit in its season (appointed time)…and whatever he does shall prosper…. As long as you remain happy, at the appointed time your situation will change and you will bring forth fruit.

~ Amichia

Scriptures:            1 Samuel 1              1 Samuel 2             Psalms 1

Posted by: Amichia AT 08:08 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, November 20 2019

Letting Patience Have Its Perfect Work In You

Could it be that some things may not have materialized because you are in a phase of longsuffering? Although it may feel like what you are waiting for to occur is taking an "extremely long time" and it is just completely "unbearable", God has a long-range plan for each you.  As Christians, hope in God and His promises are the anchors of our soul. Therefore, it's  vital we have complete and full confidence that the Lord will do all He promises to do in His Word. That's the basis of our faith.

Longsuffering is a Fruit of the Spirit that teaches us how to endure in the face of adversity and go on when everything says no. Yes, there are a few things in our lives that work out exactly as planned, however other things require some form of patience. Rather than putting yourself in an emotional upheaval, it's best to let God birth out of you a full understanding of long term enjoyment of what's promised rather than temporary fulfillment. In this wise, patience will have done a complete work and you are able to walk this fruit out being perfect, entire and wanting nothing.

~ Amichia

2 Cor. 4:8-9               Heb. 6:12                 Gal. 5:22-23              Jas. 1:4        Is. 41:10

Posted by: Amichia AT 02:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
