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Thursday, November 07 2019

There’s still one option that remains….

What do you do when you don’t know what else to do? Have you ever been in that place before? Actually, we all have. May I offer you some assistance? Use your help. That’s it!

When you employ Holy Spirit FIRST, He opens up so many avenues that you probably would not have thought of! That’s why he is here in this earth…FOR YOU… Sound advice, wisdom, truths and other practicalities are available to prevent you from spinning your wheels and wasting time and money.

Now granted, if Holy Spirit has been speaking to you already about what to do concerning that situation and you just don’t want to heed….THEN, Let me be the one to tell you to à get out of your feelings, friend. You are allowing PRIDE to get in the way and hold you back. Holy Spirit will not speak anymore until you regard his instructions as being beneficial to you and worth it carrying out! Use your help and don’t be wise in your own eyes. Seek HIM first and make HIM your only option. Besides, all of your other options are depleted! ~ Amichia


Prov. 3:5-6         Eph. 5:17        Matt. 6:33      Prov. 16:3, 18           Jer. 17:5-6      John 14:26

Posted by: Amichia AT 10:54 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 24 2019

Making Tough Decisions

Let’s face it—there is not a day that goes by at which matters of concern are not brought to your attention.  From the moment your roll out of bed until you’ve completed a days’ worth of activities, decisions are always brewing and waiting for you to plan the next course of events. What are you going to wear today? Do the kids have after school rehearsals? How long are you going to stay in this relationship? Is it your turn to carpool or provide team snacks for the upcoming game on Saturday? When are you going to fill out that paperwork that’s been sitting on the kitchen table for over a month?

While some of those questions may seem minor and easy to address, you can’t overlook those really tough decisions too. You know… the ones that you have been putting off and hoping that the issue would just go away.

Making those tough decisions all boils down to you weighing out all the options, getting off that emotional rollercoaster of “what ifs” and really consider what’s best for you in the long run. Do you want what you want to have OR do you want what God want you to have?  The Lord has your best interest at heart and is waiting for you to trust Him and lean not to your own understanding. Although everything around you, including people, will attempt to make you feel as if you are making the wrong choice, you must follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and go with God’s will. It would be too simple to take the easy way out of things, but if you be strong in Him, don’t 2nd guess yourself and apply wisdom, you’ll come out with a resolve and most importantly, be at peace.

~ Dr. Amichia


Proverbs 3:5-7                Proverbs 8:14              Philippians 4: 7                      Psalms 27:14

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 10:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 11 2019

Finding Joy in Tough TImes

“Rejoice in the Lord alway and again I say, Rejoice.” Phil. 4:4

Life isn’t always a basket of roses and flowers. In fact, nobody is exempt from experiencing pitfalls and challenges. However, having a relationship with God the Father sure does make it easier to cope and endure them. The beauty found in such tough times is being able to discover the fruit of joy and allow all that it has to aid us in our ability of overcoming! In II Kings 4: 22-23, we read about a woman who experienced the loss of her child.  Then she called to her husband, and said, “Please send me one of the young men and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and come back.”23 So he said, “Why are you going to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath.” And she said, [e]“It is well.”

Consider the woman’s response to her son’s death. What made her come to a resolve of being “well” with such a loss? Having Joy means that we can look beyond our circumstances and see that God is mighty in his ways and is never taken by surprise with any tough time we encounter. When you refuse to succumb to the stings of tough times, there is a settling that arises from within you that God is in control of every detail of your life and that everything is going to be alright. Instead of grief, she chose to seek after the Father, yielding her not only joy and comfort, but a reviving of her son. Decide today to put every tough time in the hands of God and hold on to the truth that everything is going to be alright!







Posted by: Amichia AT 08:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 26 2019

Pardon the Interruption

We have all heard the infamous sayings, “It’s a new season” or “I’m in transition”. While those statements may seem overrated or improperly used by some, I have recently found myself gradually moving into this place. The interesting thing about this is that I didn’t even realize it, with the exception of knowing that whatever this “thing” was had hit me like a ton of bricks. Over the next weeks, I found myself experiencing a variety of mixed emotions and uncertainty, dealing with this transitional state head on. 

When change knocks at our door, it is more times than likely regarded as unwelcoming. You might be one that have been apprehensive about undergoing the process of change and have put it off as long as you possibly could. But, pardon the interruption. Serving the Lord requires that we remain fluid, not rigid; open-minded, not limited thinking; and most importantly, committed and obedient and not stubborn and reluctant. When it comes to change, you are only left with two options—remain unchanged and stuck or become improved and better, reaping the consequences of your decision.

In Isaiah 43:18 -19, we are informed that God desires to do new things in and through his people. This means that we should refrain from getting used to Him moving in the same way every time He does something. Could it be that your willingness to delay change be the culprit behind some of the challenges you’re facing? If so, then you have created an unconscious, normal routine of delay that has actually done more harm than good for you. It’s time for some things to come to an end, as it is for something new to begin. Are you afraid to say yes? Don’t be frightened---by trusting the Lord, you are placing yourself in the safest possible hands. God has a perfect plan, perfect timing, and a perfect sense of your readiness and long for change. So, pardon the interruption…a new season for your life is on the horizon.  

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 11:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 30 2019

Pull It Together!

Emotions have utility. They drive us to accomplish our goals, to assert our needs, to confront our fears, to understand who we are, and to understand other people.  We will all face moments of intense anger or sadness, or fear, and they can feel unbearable and uncontrollable, whether we are at work, home, or out in public. That’s when being aware of your expressed emotions and knowing how to regulate them is important.

Think back to a time when your day was going extremely well, when suddenly you heard some disturbing news or encountered a situation that didn’t set so well with you. Can you remember how you felt at that moment? Did your temperament change almost instantly? Although we don’t like to receive disturbing news or encounter any bad situations, we do have to understand that it’s important to take notice of our heightened emotional state.

Solomon compares a person one who does not have rule over his spirit (or emotional state) to a city without walls. That person presents themselves as one who is always on an emotional rollercoaster, carrying on in any manner without regard to establishing control or restraint.

Before you allow the next piece of news to emotionally disturb you and change your temperament, establish a boundary as to how far you are willing to allow it to carry you before you become volatile. Guard you heart with all diligence and replace the emotion with something positive. Pull it together and set your affections (or your mind) on things above, worshipping the Father and giving thanks. Before you know it, His peace will have come upon, leaving you in a better emotional state than where you started.

~ Amichia

Scriptures to meditate:

Phil. 2:5                Col. 3:2                                   Prov. 4:23                               Prov. 25:28

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 09 2019

Have you ever been drafted to do something like…lead in a group project, spearhead a fundraiser, or even perhaps start a new role or job assignment? Sometimes, being placed in a position similar to those can make you question your ability or should I say…incapable, ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS SOMETHING THAT IS WAAAAY OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!!

Although you may feel reluctant or perhaps unexcited about being donned, somebody else obviously feels the exact opposite about you. There’s always someone watching you and believes that you have the potential to not just do what’s being asked, but do it well! Those people are who I’d like to refer to as “angels on assignment” who have been sent by God to “nominate” or “recommend” you. Why is that? Well, I believe that the mantle of the Father’s Glory is upon you and it is time for what’s inside of you to be revealed. Absolutely! Every administrative, book writing, fashion, or even cooking skillset; the ability of creating friendly atmospheres; AND the gift of “lighting up the audience and moving the crowd” with your talents, to name a few carries a glory! It’s time for people to not only see what you walk in, but also to experience God’s glory. His Glory is what makes the impossible thing to be done, possible. It’s what makes those who are bound by infirmities, healed and so on, all because you are in their midst as a conduit for the glory to flow. So the next you’re drafted by the angels, step up to the plate and bat with bravery and confidence! After all, the glory of the Lord is upon you.

~ Dr. Amichia

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 05:15 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 21 2019


There are times in life we have either been a victim or a perpetrator of wrong doing.  Whichever side of the coin that you were on, neither feels good and ultimately can leave you making statements like, “I’ll get him for that” and “I hope they get what they deserve.” 

While it may be challenging for some to dismantle positions of wanting people to get harsh or ill treatment in return, we must know that God is a merciful God. Eph. 2:4 tells us that his love for mankind is so great, that he is rich in mercy. I love this because it means that even though he knows about the wrong done, He doesn’t always issue the punishment we deserve. As one translation says, “He embraces us” just as we are and makes us come alive in Him.

You don’t have to live in the prison of guilt, sin, and “due punishment” thinking, no matter how many times a wrong has been committed. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and then receive his vast amount of love and life! He blocked that due punishment! Despite the petitions of others wanting to see you dealt with accordingly, God SHUT IT DOWN! Be free and move forward in your calling with a guilty-free conscience. Today is a new day that holds new mercies! So with that being said; just as God has extended to you his mercy, you too can bestow that same God-kind of love and mercy to others as well! If you need help in this department, just ask! He’s waiting.

~ Dr. Amichia

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 09:14 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 29 2019

It is Well with my Soul!

The Word of God declares that those who are led by the Spirit of God will not satisfy the lustful desires of the flesh. To be emotionally driven, if we are not careful in our thoughts and actions, produces unwanted consequences. How does one arrive at a place of being influenced by their emotions? Well, negative pressure, anxiety, anger, fear, and the likes thereof that arise from situations that we face can impede our ability to think clearly, listen to God and apply the wisdom that he gives. Never allow decisions to driven by your emotions. Can you remember a time when you made a decision solely based on how you felt? How did you handle the consequences that followed? Would you honestly say that the emotions that drove your decisions yielded you the intended results you desired? If you are going to have the fruitful and rewarding results of the Father, then it’s going to require you to take a step outside of your feelings. It’s a good practice to wait until you no longer feel the emotions that you initially felt and then proceed to giving thought about the concern. The Spirit of God wants to assist you in weighing out the pros and cons, so be open to his promptings. He ALWAYS has your best interest at heart and fully desires to see you choose his guidance. When you are led in your thoughts by the Spirit, He searches out all things concerning the matter at stake and gives you the best possible outcome, resulting in you having peace and being well in your soul. 

Dr. Amichia

Posted by: Dr. Amichia Jones AT 12:17 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 01 2019

Heaven Has Already Declared It To Be So!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like own something really, really nice? No, I’m mean something really, really extravagant…your dream house…your exclusive piece of vacation property with all the bells and whistles. I’m talking that car that you often talk about or that dream job that comes with a nice bonus…and wardrobe too!

Would you believe me if I told you that there is nothing soo far-fetched, unattainable, or impossible for coming into your ownership. The key to this lies within the principles of how strongly you believe and how willful are you to go after it! Not only does the Word of God declare that all things are yours, but the Lord has given you all things that pertains to life and godliness!

The Apostle Paul says that we, who are chosen in Christ, have spiritual blessings. And guess what else? These blessings were predestined to be yours before the world even began. Isn’t that great news? In other words, Heaven has already determined it to be YOURS… and what belongs to you was already in the makings. There is no force of opposition or resistance that can say otherwise.  SELAH! You just have to receive it and use your faith to access it! Each day, make it a habit to synchronize yourself with Heaven’s reality! Repeat after me… “Thy will be done Lord, as it already is in Heaven!”

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 02:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 19 2019

Yesterday holds no value in Tomorrow

I think that we all can agree that life happens. Whether good, bad, or indifferent, we must resolve that life’s events of yesterday belong in the past. We must resolve that these events can do more damage in our future than good. So, why do we sometimes struggle with looking back? The past is exactly what it is --- the past. The past never sees the future.

There are many rewards of opportunities, fresh starts, and new promises that await you tomorrow! In order to embrace them, you cannot bring yesterday into tomorrow.  What happened yesterday now becomes excessive baggage, unneeded stress, and a complete hindrance. If you bring the events of yesterday, it will be challenging for you to focus on your future and can possibly leave you feeling insecure about a lot of things. So, how much past do you want to forget?

Begin by looking ahead and focusing on what’s important. I want to encourage you to get a journal and start brainstorming about the endless possibilities of your future. Imagine yourself achieving new goals. Yesterday holds no value for where you are headed. Looking forward is the only direction that you should focus on! Christ has set you free of yesterday, so let’s get excited, stand fast and allow tomorrow to unveil new promises of God! See you tomorrow!

~ Dr. Amichia

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 10:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
