VISION & MISSION VISION: To establish, through the will of God, partnerships around the world to fulfill the Great Commission of reaching every individual, through teaching and preaching the Kingdom of God. MISSION: As Kingdom Builders, our mission at Jones Ministries International is to train, equip, and produce spiritually-mature disciples that walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in ALL things, being fruitful in every good work, increasing in the knowledge of God, thereby fulfilling their God-ordained destiny, dominating in every aspect of life. JMI is the home of the GLOBAL TEACHING NETWORK, a prolific training/ teaching ministry and the A.I.M.S. Bible Institute, that provides various training across the world as requested. JMI also provides spiritual covering (home church support base) for ministries, outreach ministries, churches, and other Christian organizations worldwide that desire to support JMI, while also doing what God has them to do. JMI also oversees ministries and missions work in the United States as well as in Africa. If you desire to assist financially in the mission and purpose of JMI, you may do so by clicking on the "DONATE" button or visiting the "SEED SOWING" page. |