Tuesday, July 09 2019
Have you ever been drafted to do something like…lead in a group project, spearhead a fundraiser, or even perhaps start a new role or job assignment? Sometimes, being placed in a position similar to those can make you question your ability or should I say…incapable, ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS SOMETHING THAT IS WAAAAY OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!! Although you may feel reluctant or perhaps unexcited about being donned, somebody else obviously feels the exact opposite about you. There’s always someone watching you and believes that you have the potential to not just do what’s being asked, but do it well! Those people are who I’d like to refer to as “angels on assignment” who have been sent by God to “nominate” or “recommend” you. Why is that? Well, I believe that the mantle of the Father’s Glory is upon you and it is time for what’s inside of you to be revealed. Absolutely! Every administrative, book writing, fashion, or even cooking skillset; the ability of creating friendly atmospheres; AND the gift of “lighting up the audience and moving the crowd” with your talents, to name a few carries a glory! It’s time for people to not only see what you walk in, but also to experience God’s glory. His Glory is what makes the impossible thing to be done, possible. It’s what makes those who are bound by infirmities, healed and so on, all because you are in their midst as a conduit for the glory to flow. So the next you’re drafted by the angels, step up to the plate and bat with bravery and confidence! After all, the glory of the Lord is upon you. ~ Dr. Amichia |