Monday, December 17 2018
Letting Go in Order to Move On! What does it mean to forgive and why is forgiveness so important? Forgiveness is about you and I not holding grudges or feelings such as bitterness or anger towards another when we’ve been wronged. It’s important for many reasons. The most important reason of all is remaining in a position of being forgiven by Christ. The Scripture Matthew 6:14-15 tells us, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” When we forgive, it brings healing to the heart and restores within us an overwhelming amount peace. Additionally, forgiveness prevents one from experiencing health concerns and if nothing else, it’s just a healthy way to move forward in the most fruitful way possible! Do you recall ever hearing someone say, “Oh just forget about it!” While at times it may not be as easy to do as it sounds, the truth of the matter is that God really does want us to “Just forget about it!” It’s important that you forget about those past upsets and disappointments…those unfaithful and bad dealings! Although you can’t change what was done, you can change its ability of being able to affect you. As long as you continue to dwell over in yesterday land, rehearsing what was done, you are only empowering the enemy to have control over you. The enemy would rather you remain emotionally upset, develop stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. These things are no good because they potentially contribute to weight gain/loss, blood pressure issues and depression, to name a few. I am thinking of the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16, when they were in jail. Instead of the both of them harboring unforgiveness towards those who arrested them, they chose forgive and spend that time worshipping and praising God. As a result of their ability to worship in a place that was meant to keep them bound, they became free and those that were around them were recipients of freedom as well! God has too much in store for you to be stuck on what happened or who let you down. Truthfully speaking, you were never designed to harbor feelings of remorse, hurt and the likes thereof because they ultimately destroy you and God CANNOT get any glory from this. You and I were created to give forth praise! We were designed as vessels of honor- called and chosen- purposefully mandated to demonstrate the works of the Lord! Refuse to be a victim of unforgiveness and break free from the pit of depression or sorrow and LIVE! Let the mind of Christ be in you that was also in Him. Greater is He that is in you and I than he that is trying his best to keep us bound and shatter any ability of walking in love. Let go of yesterday so that you can embrace today and move forward in the great things that await you tomorrow! Dr. Amichia Saturday, December 08 2018
Push Through To Victory! There are times in our life that we will be met with uncomfortable situations. These situations will oftentimes show up unannounced, purposing to leave us in a traumatic state where we are no longer thriving or just barely coping. If one undergoing the challenge does not have a support system to help them endure and overcome, chances are they will end up fighting an uphill battle alone. I wish that it were possible that we did not have to experience the stings of pain, weariness, and stress that journey alongside uncomfortable times. I often wish that we can learn the take-a-ways and the lessons each experience brings us quickly without ever having to deal with the anxieties of the ordeal. It would be easier to think that with just a blink of an eye, the difficulty would be over and everything would be back to normal. But, it doesn’t work that way. Psalms 23 implores us that when we find ourselves walking through dark valleys, we are not to fear. In fact, we are to know that we are never walking through them alone. For we have an accompaniment of ministering angels and warfare angels that are contending for us daily. Most importantly, we have presence of the Almighty guiding and protecting us each and every minute. So, what is our responsibility while trying to hold up under the hard time? We are to push through to victory! Yep, that’s it! If we’re going to come out on top, we’ve got to keep our eyes on God. We must remain confident, be patient and trust that in hard and unbearable times, deliverance is coming. I would like to offer you a word of encouragement in the truth that no matter the difficulty, pressure, or the seemingly, never-ending countless nights of crying, joy is on the way. We must endure or bear up BRAVELY under this uncomfortable place. This is the place where we come to experience God’s strength, in our moments of weakness. It’s also in this place where we are vulnerable to God—expressing all of the not so feel good emotions that we are experiencing. The name of the Lord is a strong tower and the one who runs to the strong tower will be safe. The one who is dwelling in the secret place of the Almighty has refuge. Push through by laying your hands on your head and declaring that you have the mind of Christ, when depressive thoughts come! Push through and declare that the Lord is a very present help in the time of trouble, when you feel surrounded by negativity. YOU WILL NOT FAINT! Tell yourself every minute, every hour, and every moment of each day that you will not die, but LIVE and declare the works of the Lord! The moment you stop fighting, becomes the day that you quit. And this is exactly what the enemy is counting on. But once again, PUSH THROUGH! Not only do you have a host of heaven cheering you on towards victory, but you have the greater one living on the inside of you. Don’t give up. See yourself winning. See yourself coming out victoriously. Saturday, December 01 2018
With God All Things Are Possible So….Take The Limits OFF! What makes the unthinkable or the impossible doable? Or maybe I should pose the question to you this way—what has God placed in your heart to do that’s bigger than you? Are you sitting on a BIG IDEA and have become overwhelmed with thoughts of second guessing and doubt? I have been there and as a matter of fact, we all have been there. Therefore, I want to tell you that God can make the very thing that seems unthinkable, possible. Yes, he really can! You just have to purpose within yourself to know this and become fully confident that HE is capable! The Lord really does desire to bless you and see you live a prosperous and fulfilling life. In fact, I’m reminded of 3 John 1:2, where it says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” When you consider the word prosper, it means to excel or go to the highest placed desired! Now that’s worth a shout right there! Yes, I am telling you that wherever you are in your career or phase of life, there is a set place, or rather, a HIGH place waiting for you! Thank you Jesus! Now the way to get there requires you to stay in faith, take the limits off and most importantly….refrain from getting over into self-effort. We see the introduction of self-effort over in Gen. 3:17-23, following Adam’s fall and the ground becoming cursed. Self- effort causes you to toil (work hard) to earn something by your own labor. Toiling brings about fatigue, mentally and physically, and it can lead a person into frustration, spinning their wheels, and producing temporary fruit. Do you remember when Peter told Jesus that he and the other shipmates had been toiling for fish all night? My friend, when God gives you something that is FAR BIGGER or unthinkable to do, he never meant for you to do this in your own strength. He never intended for you to toil or struggle trying to make some things happen for yourself. What He does want you to do is rely completely on the BLESSING! The blessing comes from the Lord and not out of your own effort. You’ve got the Father dwelling on the inside of you and therefore, He is going to be the one working through you. So leave that place of doubt and feeling that it’s far fetched for you to purchase that new home, excel in your career or land that contract. Don’t entertain for another moment, thoughts of “This is just way too impossible” or “I can’t even imagine myself doing this!” The Father is able to do the unthinkable and the unimaginable and is waiting on you to become FULLY PERSUADED about this! Don’t draw back in your faith and reduce him to this earthly, limited system. He’s a limitless God, so let him BE GOD! I look forward to hearing about the great things you’re going to achieve in the days to come! ~ Dr. Amichia |