Thursday, December 19 2019
Choosing Happiness Are you a person who can act on tough questions? Questions like: What am I grateful for? How can I live a more balanced life? If you said yes, then you more than likely fall into the category of being a happy person. Happiness is a way of life, an overriding outlook composed of qualities like love, optimism, courage, and a sense of freedom. Even amidst the stumbling blocks and hurdles you tackle in daily living, choosing to be happy is a choice that’s up to you and is waiting on you to let it aide you along life’s journeys. Start each day with appreciating what you have and those who may have been instrumental in what you have had or have. As a result, you’ll combat unhappiness. Use your personal power. Your life belongs to you and it is full of meaning and when you realize the power that’s within you, it forces you to take responsibility and action. Reframe from throwing away or discounting your confidence and ability because it yields great return. When you’re secure in your personal power, it keeps you from becoming a victim. As you embark upon a new year, make the choice of being protective of your state of happiness. In doing so, you will set yourself up to live a more balanced and happy life with positivity and peace influencing all aspects of your life and even those around you! ~ Amichia Rom. 15:13 Ps. 34: 8 Ps 144:15 |