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Wednesday, May 13 2020


What happens when life as what you know all of a sudden becomes disturbed? It can sometimes leave you wondering if what has happened was only a dream OR you really are experiencing a surreal situation.  Life has its own way of bringing us all into its classroom, where we become the students. Although we live and learn from the unexpected type of tests, the Word of God provides us with a small instruction on how to pass life’s test as we adjust and reset our lives.

Life’s interruptions are not random or meaningless. In fact, they bring opportunities for us to gain a different perspective and start thinking differently. When it seems as if your world is crumbling before you and things are falling apart, I’d like to offer you I Thess. 5:18 which says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Yes, it’s easier and may provide a feeling of relief for you to just throw your hands up out of frustration. However, the Father would rather you throw your hands up in submission and say “Nevertheless”. It takes more work when you go to Him for reassurance and comfort, rather than going into depression and somberness. It takes more work to be grateful for what you have, rather than being worrisome. The Father is not saying that this unexpected situation is His will. He is saying that no matter the situation, it is His will for you to GIVE THANKS…be grateful! As you undergo unexpected ordeals, be comforted by developing a nevertheless attitude, give thanks and bless the Lord at all times so the praises can cause you to become strengthened with grace and ability as He carries you through. I’ll see you on the other side of this!

~ Amichia

I Thess. 5:18                 Ps. 100               Ps. 115:12                Ps. 118:1-9          Eph. 6:10

Posted by: Amichia AT 11:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email