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Tuesday, March 24 2020

Staying Calm in Turbulent Times

Would it surprise you to know that nothing catches God the Father by surprise? While events of life, especially the unplanned ones, just spontaneously “show up” outta nowhere and throw us for a loop, Let me guarantee you that it has not caught the Father off guard. Well before you and I arrived here on this beautiful planet earth, every moment, whether good or bad- every need-every situation had been carefully and methodically been given a set time to occur. The Word of God calls it fore ordained.

But guess what else has been carefully and methodically given a set time to occur in your life? Rest! God had strategically created a place where you and I can escape to and remain in, not just in turbulent times but also in times of peace. Following the creation, scripture says that He “rested from His works”.  You see, rest was designed by God to unveil His plan of resolution for every turbulent time that you would ever encounter while you rest in Him. While everything around you is chaotic and off-balanced, you are unmoved, unbothered and shielded by God.  The moment you find rest, stay there and be determined to never withdraw yourself from it.

The enemy works hard at delaying your arrival to finding rest by keeping you consumed with the negativity that surrounds you. When life calls for you and me to react in worry, fear, panic and the likes thereof, it’s important to choose the place of peace and calmness. Let your faith stand strong in confidently knowing that God has already provided a solution and knows exactly when, where, and what needs to take place.

Stay calm my friend and fear not…God’s got this all under control!

~ Amichia


Heb. 4:9             Phil 4:7         Heb. 4:3 

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