Thursday, February 25 2021
Just Create It Have you ever been in search of a new job, car or even a new home? Did you noticed any difficulties finding exactly what you were looking for? Sometimes, when God gives the greenlight for receiving your next blessing, locating it may not altogether be easy. This is what I’d like to call an opportunity for you to delve into creative faith. God has given us all resources and tools that allows us to create something brand new, make corrections and/or improvements in areas where there is emptiness and even little or no supply. When God saw that there was an absence of light present in the earth, He used his creative abilities. Instead of becoming discouraged about the ordeal at hand, He spoke up. His spirit immediately went to work at creating something that did not exist, merely out of nothing that did exist.
~ Amichia Gen. 1:1-3 Gen. 1:28 Rom. 4:17 Is. 45:18