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Wednesday, July 15 2020

Small Package, Big Blessing

Sometimes our biggest moments of blessing and happiness are found in the places that we’d least expect them to be.  Too often, we find that either we have become somewhat complacent OR forget how valuable they are. The Prophet Elisha found this to be true when he was battling bouts of depression and self-defeat while fleeing Jezebel. Sitting in a cave of dissatisfaction and fear, the Father spoke to Elisha telling him to stand at the top of the mountain. After the passing of a strong wind, an earthquake, and fire, God was not found in any of those places. Elijah’s God encounter was found in a gentle whisper—an unexpected place. It was there where his breakthrough was discovered, and Elijah was able to get up and continue on. At the moment when it feels that it’s just not worth the push anymore, is when you should look for the gentle whisper.  At the moment when what you are dealing with seems to be just too much, is when you should look beyond the activities. What you may be battling right now is soon to become a battle no more.  Stand up in the power of the Almighty and position your mind and spirit for joy to be restored; struggle to cease; and strength to be renewed. You’ve been looking for God, this time, to show up BIG in the wrong places. My friend, your biggest moment of breakthrough is coming in the place that you’d least expect.

~ Amichia

I Kings 19: 1-18               Hebrews 10:35-37

Posted by: Dr Amichia AT 11:32 am   |  Permalink   |  Email