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Saturday, November 24 2018

He Already Know What He’s Going To Do

It is interesting how we sometimes plan the course of our days, schedule vacations and mini get-a-ways…and don’t forget about those pretty, important birthdays of the ones we love! Yet, it still remains that we don’t plan for those unexpected events. Big or small, they somehow seem to slightly throw a perfectly planned day off! Have you ever experienced yourself having an “Oh No!” or an “I totally forgot!” moment?  Yep, me too.

It happens to the best of us! While, we may have been caught off guard or hadn’t planned for the unexpected event, I’m reminded of the time when Jesus was teaching the 5000 folks that had gathered together.  As the day progressed, this multitude of people had become so engulfed and captivated by the Supernatural workings of God and revelation that was going forth, that no one, I mean no one left! Oh how I love those moments when the presence of God becomes soo overwhelming that no one can leave, nor desire to leave. Well, the moment had been soo right and soo breathtaking that time had just escaped the large crowd. The teaching was just too good to pull away from.

I can almost imagine that moment was like when you’re watching a good movie or reading a good book that its soo hard to put it down or take a break! The disciples themselves were just overtaken by Jesus’ teaching, they had absolutely no idea about what was about to happen next. As time had grown late, the disciples summoned Jesus that he should tell the people to leave so they could return to their homes and eat.  Taken aback and caught off guard, the disciples NEVER expected or probably would have imagined the response that was on the cuff of their statement---- Jesus telling them to feed the people. Jesus observing the massive following of people turned to Philip and unexpectedly asked him, “Where will we buy bread for these people to eat?”  John chapter 6:6 tells us that, Jesus was testing Philip, “because He knew what He was about to do.” 

Even when we experience road blocks and unexpected turns in our lives, the Father already know what He’s going to do! It’s in those times where we must remain at ease, undisturbed, and completely rely on our confidence in God’s ability to come to our rescue!  In such a fatherly and comforting manner, he reminds us that He will never leave or forsake us and that He is with until the end of the world.  In fact, it’s in times like these where our Father expects us to gives these kinds of situations to him…for him to demonstrate his MIRACULOUS POWER! 

Are you willing to believe the report of the Lord that He is able to create a way, when it appears that no other ways are possible? Are you willing to trust that the Father can add to what you have in the bank to pay that bill? Can you see him reversing negative scenarios that are currently playing out, and working the entire ordeal for your good? You’ve got to know and be fully persuaded, contrary to what you may see or have heard that the Father already knows and he can NEVER BE TAKEN BY SURPRISE! Your faith is being tested, but as long as you stand on what you know--- TRUTH OF GOD”S WORD---There is no situation, bad circumstance, crisis, or unexpected event that God cannot overturn! Hang in there, rest in him and know that God has your best interest at heart. I am praying for you and believing that you are well on your way to a victorious outcome! Why? Because, the Father already knows what He is going to do for you!

 Dr. Amichia

Posted by: Dr. Amichia AT 03:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email